Who are we?

    BBR Belgique private limited company is registered at the address 1060 Saint Gilles, Rue Faider, 15 (hereafter “BBR Belgique”) and registered at the Banque Carrefour des Entreprises under business registration number 0876 914 246.

    Email address:

    What are cookies and why do we use them?

    A “cookie” is a small text file placed in a space on the hard drive of your machine (computer, tablet, mobile phone or any other device allowing you to surf the web) while you are browsing a site. Cookies allow BBR Belgique, as long as they are valid, to recognise your machine each time you access digital content containing BBR Belgique cookies. The main aim of cookies is to make your experience on our site more effective and quicker by saving your preferences, such as language preferences.

    You can refuse to accept our cookies by activating your internet browser settings. However, if you select these settings, some parts of our site may not be fully optimised.

    What about cookies and personal data?

    Subject to the special rules on cookies set out here, the processing of any personal data that may be collected through our cookies is governed by our “Personal Data Protection Policy” which can be accessed by clicking here. In particular, you will find all the information you need to exercise your rights.

    What are our cookies for?

    Cookies that may be installed on your computer are for the following purposes:

    1. Cookies for technical use:

    These cookies are necessary to enable you to navigate the site and use its features, such as accessing secure areas of the site, for example.

    BBR Belgique uses storage cookies, which are files transferred to your computer but which do not allow you to be identified. Cookies record information about your computer browsing on the site (the pages you have visited, the date and time of browsing, etc) and allows them to be extracted during your subsequent connections to the site in order to customise your connection. The time this data is kept on your computer is TO BE COMPLETED per browsing session.

    Also see below “How can I manage my preferences relating to technical use cookies? ”

    1. Cookies for audience tracking and customisation use:
    • Audience measuring: statistical data on visits to and use of the Site (subject headings and content, pathways) to help us to measure and study the effectiveness of our interactive online content, its characteristics, advertisements and other communication, and thereby to improve the interest and ergonomics of the services visited on the Site.
    • Real-time customisation of browsing on the Site and proposal of relevant and personalised offers, improved ergonomics. These cookies are used to offer you an experience that more closely reflects your choices, personalises them more and makes them more enjoyable.

    You can choose to refuse cookies and the statistical analysis of your browsing data.

    To make this choice, click here.


    1. Social network cookies:
    • Social networks: connections to services from social networks, information sharing features on social networks.

    You can find out more at any time and access your cookies settings to accept or refuse them by clicking here.


    How long are our cookies valid for?

    Our cookies are valid for 12 months, after which you will be asked to confirm your acceptance.

    Personal data collected via our cookies has the same length of validity.


    How can I manage my preferences relating to technical use cookies?

    You can manage your preferences regarding technical use cookies by adjusting your browser settings.

    To do this, you can visit, for example, the following pages, depending on your browser:

    Note: if you continue to browse our site after having received and accepted our cookie notification, this means that you still consent to cookies being used.